Moderate Income Waiting List
Before applying for its waiting list, Burbank Housing Corporation recommends reviewing this page. Select a section in the menu below to learn more.
About Us
Burbank Housing Corporation (BHC) is a 501(c)(3) Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) that operates an Affordable Housing Program in its 300+ affordable rental units. All of our vacancies are filled through a waiting list. Our Affordable Housing Program has four waiting lists that are categorized by income level. The income and rent requirements are established by the State of California for Los Angeles County.
The opportunity to apply for the Burbank Housing Corporation’s Affordable Housing Program is offered without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, religion, ancestry, genetic information, source of income, age, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation or preference, gender identity, or disability, or any other basis prohibited by law.
Waiting List
The BHC Waiting List applies to ALL units in our properties. NO specific unit/building requests will be granted. A household is only given two opportunities to accept or qualify for an available BHC unit.
Our waiting list only has one preference for households that live or work in the city of Burbank, CA.
Households on our waiting list are notified via telephone and mailed postcard when an apartment suitable for the household's income and size becomes available. This could take anywhere from a few months to a few years.
It is the applicant's responsibility to notify the BHC office if their income, address, phone number, or household composition changes while on the BHC Waiting List. Failure to update an application could result in removal from the waiting list. Proof of income, Burbank residency, or Burbank employment may be required.
Every October, BHC conducts a waiting list audit by mailing confirmation letters to all applicants. You must submit the bottom slip of the letter to our office by the given deadline. Failure to respond by the deadline indicates a disinterest in our Affordable Housing Program & will result in removal from the waiting list.
A copy of the official Waiting List Policy is available by written request.
Frequently Asked Questions
Still have questions? Read our FAQ section to learn more!
How does the Affordable Housing Program work?Burbank Housing Corporation (BHC) operates our Affordable Housing Program in the organization’s 300+ rental units. BHC is a HUD-recognized Community-Based Housing Development Organization (CHDO). Our Affordable Housing Program has fixed rent rates based on income level and tenants are responsible for paying their monthly rent in its entirety. BHC owns over 300 affordable apartment units in five focus neighborhoods and operates a waiting list system to fill all of its vacancies. Interested applicants must first apply for the BHC Waiting List to enter our Affordable Housing Program. There are four waiting lists that are categorized by income level. The income and rent requirements for each income category are established by the State of California for Los Angeles County. All of BHC properties are mixed-income to accurately reflect the reality of our communities. Please keep in mind that our Affordable Housing Program is NOT a form of immediate or emergency housing.
Is this Section 8?No. Section 8 is a rent subsidy program that is operated by city governments. If you are interested in Section 8, you may call the City of Burbank’s Housing Authority at (818) 238-5160.
Is this public housing?No. Burbank Housing Corporation (BHC) is a private nonprofit organization. Our affordable housing is not a part of the government.
How do I apply for the Affordable Housing Program?First, determine the number of persons that will live in the household, including you, all children & any unborn children, if someone in your household is pregnant. Second, calculate your total gross monthly income from every household member that have income and who are over 18 years of age. Income from financial aid & SNAP (or other food stamp programs) are NOT considered for our affordable housing program (Gross income means income before taxes or other deductions are made). You may include: Salary, wages, average overtime pay, SSI, Social Security, or disability benefits, pensions or annuities, and money provided on a regular basis by family members that are not included on the application. Third, please visit our Waiting List Page to find out if the waiting list your household qualifies for is open at this time: Click Here Lastly, please contact our office and provide BHC with your household size & gross annual income. No additional documents are required when you apply for the waiting list; however, you may want to review your recent paychecks and tax documents before you fill out the application. Having the most exact and correct income information is very important. Our office will send you a waiting list application via email, mail, or fax if your household qualifies for an open waiting list. If you qualify for a closed waiting list, you must wait until the waiting list reopens to request an application. To hear about upcoming waiting list openings, please contact our office or visit our website in January 2018.
Does every BHC Property have its own waiting list?No. BHC has one joint waiting list for all of its properties. Your household will only have to apply once to be offered any available unit in our portfolio. The next eligible applicant on our waiting list will be offered the first available apartment that fits their household’s size and income level. No specific unit or building requests will be granted.
My household qualifies for a closed waiting list. What do I do now?You may contact our office or check our website in January 2022 to find out if a closed waiting list will reopen later in the year. BHC conducts an annual waiting list audit near the end of the calendar year to determine if a closed waiting list will reopen in the following year. Our office announces our waiting list update in January 2022 to inform interested applicants about upcoming waiting list openings. Our waiting lists may remain closed until further notice.
Can I apply for the Moderate Income Waiting List even though I qualify for a different income level?No. Your household must apply to the waiting list your household qualifies for. Each BHC apartment unit has a special income designation so only a family that qualifies for Moderate Income can move into a unit set aside for Moderate Income Households. If your household can not prove the gross income on your waiting list application, your household will be removed from the waiting list.
How long will I be on the waiting list?BHC’s program is permanent affordable housing. Because there is no time limit on how long a tenant can stay in our program, it is hard to estimate how long your household may wait. The average household waits 2-5 years to be placed in a unit. BHC’s affordable housing program is NOT a form of immediate or emergency housing. BHC has just over 300 units in our program. We can only move new tenants off the waiting list & into our program when our current tenants vacate one of our units. Many of our tenants are on fixed incomes and stay in our apartments, which makes the wait times long for new applicants.
Who comes up with the income levels & rents?The income & rent requirements are established by the State Legislature. If you have questions on how they determine the rates, BHC recommends you contact your local state representative.
Where are your rental units located?BHC owns & manages 300+ rental units in 5 focus neighborhoods in Burbank, CA. Our affordable housing program only operates in BHC managed properties. For tenant privacy, we do not disclose our addresses until the rental screening process with potential residents.
How to Apply
The online application for the "Moderate" Income Waiting List is open year-round. ​The "Moderate" Income Waiting List is specifically for households that fall within 81-120% of the area median income, as established by the State of California for Los Angeles County. Eligibility is based on the household's size and combined gross annual income.
If you are a person with a disability and require assistance completing the online application, please contact our office at (818) 559-2336 or and a staff member will assist you.
Important Notices for Applicants
After receiving your application, BHC must review the household information. It may take 7-10 business days to process your application and place your household at the bottom of the Moderate Income Waiting List.
There are no available units that would be offered to new applicants.
The BHC Affordable Housing Program is not immediate or emergency housing. The average wait time is 6 months to 2 years.
One application per household. If an adult household member appears on more than one application, duplicate applications will be automatically rejected and removed from the waiting list.
BHC is not responsible for any technical issues. If you are experiencing any issues, please contact our office at or (818) 559-2336.
Households that do not meet the income criteria will be unable to submit the waiting list application.
If you are unable to prove the income on your application during the rental screening process, your household will be removed from the waiting list.
After Submitting Application
Applicants should receive a confirmation email with the subject line, "BHC Moderate Waiting List: Application Received" after submitting. Please check your spam/junk folders.
If you never received a confirmation email, there may have been a technical issue with your submission. Please contact our office at (818) 559-2336 or for further assistance.
Once placed on the waiting list, it is the applicant's responsibility to notify our office if their income, address, phone number, or household composition changes. To update your waiting list application, please contact the BHC office to request a modification form.
You will be notified via telephone and mailed postcard when an apartment suitable for your household's income and size becomes available.
In October, households on our waiting list will receive mailed correspondence notifying them of our annual audit. You must respond by the given deadline to remain on the waiting list.
Before you apply, please collect the following information:
An adult household member (18+) that can be designated as the head of household (HOH)
Full names of all household members including children and unborn infants
The gross monthly income (before taxes or deductions) of every adult household member
The date of birth of every household member
A current home or mailing address
An email address and phone number
Source of income from all household members (job earnings, social security, child support, etc.).